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Thread: Baron named co-chair of Kerry campaign

  1. #1
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    Baron named co-chair of Kerry campaign

    Baron says his contacts with contributors who can write big checks which, no doubt, include high-profile Texas plaintiffs lawyers were, in part, responsible for him getting the new post.
    More to the point, Baron heads up a 40-lawyer Dallas firm that is one of the nation's most lucrative injury practices.

    Here's a classic example of how sleazy this guy is.

    In the Corpus Christi case, plaintiff Reathy was represented by Baron & Budd...

    Reportedly the firm had sent to Reathy's deposition a first-year associate who proceeded to hand over to the opposing lawyer a stack of papers without realizing it contained an extra document he certainly did not intend to hand over.

    That document was a 20-page memo with the title "Preparing for Your Deposition," and it consisted largely of talking points. "It is important to maintain that you NEVER saw any labels on asbestos products that said WARNING or DANGER," the memo advises. "Do NOT say you saw more of one brand than another, or that one brand was more commonly used than another....You NEVER want to give specific quantities or percentages of any product names....Be CONFIDENT that you saw just as much of one brand as all the others. All the manufacturers sued in your case should share the blame equally!"

    "Product identification" is typically a crucial issue in asbestos suits. Prevailing legal doctrine requires a showing that the complainant was exposed to particular defendants' products, and the more different makers the better from the lawyers' perspective. Seldom is there any independent way to verify which products were used at workplaces decades earlier, which can leave workers' memories as the only evidence.

    "How well you know the name of each product and how you were exposed to it will determine whether that defendant will want to offer you a settlement," the document explains. "You will be required [to] do all this from MEMORY, which is why you MUST start studying your Work History Sheets NOW!" (The Work History Sheets incorporated the planned allegations of which products would be said to have been encountered at which workplaces.)

    What if defense lawyers get skeptical? "You may be asked how you are able to recall so many product names. The best answer is to say that you recall seeing the names on the containers or on the product itself. The more you thought about it, the more you remembered!" And quit worrying: "Keep in mind that these attorneys are very young and WERE NOT PRESENT at the jobsites you worked at. They have NO RECORDS to tell them what products were used on a particular job, even if they act like they do....The best way to respond to this kind of question is `Yes, I am SURE I saw it there!' or `I KNOW it was that brand because I saw the name on the container.' "

    Over the years asbestos defendants had grown quite certain that they were dealing with a huge volume of less-than-forthright plaintiff testimony, as a teacher grows suspicious when the class hands in identically worded essays. As Johns-Manville and other leading manufacturers of asbestos went bankrupt, for example, new complainants abruptly ceased remembering working with those makers' brands.

    "Remember to say you saw the NAMES on the BOXES," the memo says of pipe covering and block insulation--the problem here being that workers might "remember" seeing brand names on these products themselves when in fact they weren't stamped with makers' names. Although some of the highest dust exposures occurred during demolition work, "Unless your Baron & Budd attorney tells you otherwise, testify ONLY about INSTALLATION of NEW asbestos material, NOT tear-out of the OLD stuff. This is because it is almost impossible to prove what brand of material was being torn out...."

    Defense attorneys may try to ask trick questions about products that weren't in use during your time on the job, but your lawyer will object: "[L]isten carefully to your Baron & Budd attorney's suggestion. Some examples are: `You didn't see that product before the 1960s, right?' Your attorney will not ask you to say something wrong." That's why you should pause after any question: "Make sure you give your attorney TIME to object before blurting out an answer!"

    Make sure to keep your lawyers' options open. "You should name all the products YOU RECALL, but be sure to say there were others, too. This way, your co-workers can testify about brands you cannot remember yourself....It is VERY important to say that there were LOTS of other brands. You just cannot recall ALL the names!" Whatever you do, brazen it out: "You must be CONFIDENT about the NAMES of each product, what TYPE of product it was, how it was PACKAGED, who used it and HOW it was used...." And while you may have to let the opposition see your work history sheets, "Any other notes, such as what you are reading right now, are `privileged' and should never be mentioned."

    How did Baron & Budd react when this document came to public light? With the same strategy pursued so brilliantly by the Clinton White House: not only refusing to apologize for anything, but proposing that they are the real victims.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Another telling link of the ethics of this guy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    And just one more.

    This guy is a sleaze.

  4. #4
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    Incognito.....State of Denial
    Originally posted by kbeaubs
    Another telling link of the ethics of this guy.
    A former lawyer, now critical of the ethics surrounding these practices, says that it's all done in the name of social justice, and that attorneys were encouraged to view their work as serving a higher cause. Today, Baron & Budd partners sometimes lapse into the language of a holy war and describe their opponents as "evil" and "not good people." In that jihad, say some former paralegals at the firm, just about anything goes.
    Ethics ?? We don't have no stinkin' Ethics...........

    Either someone didn't do their homework for this selection or they've decided that they will do whatever, and I mean whatever, it takes to win this fall....

    Pretty discusting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    No Name City
    He's just a man behind the Kerry election curtain. Pay no attention to him.

    [maniacal soapbox rant]
    If y'all thought it was bad during the Clinton years, you ain't seen nuthin yet until Kerry's in charge.

    If he wins the WH, he will have the Senate and the House at his beck and call. Can you say higher taxes? If you don't think that higher taxes are not going to imapct your pocket book, pull you head out of the manure pile. Ever heard of passing on the cost?

    Think our credibility in the Middle East can't go any lower? try pulling our troops out and leaving them in the who area in a power vacuum. After the ashes settle from the civil wars and the Taliban and al Qadea's take over, they are going to posess nukes, bio and chem weapons. And then they will come after us. Imagine fleets of small boats with these WMD's attacking our shores in suicide missions.

    Of course Kerry could just tax the hell out of us and give it to these radical muslims in an effort to buy them off in the name of humanitarian aid and monetary appologies for us wrongfully attacking them. Oh and while they are at it, it would be okay for them to double the price of oil they are selling to us so the wasteful Americans who own SUV's and gas guzzlers can be punished for their sins and forced to sell their enviromentally unfriendly wastes of precious resources for tiny beer cans on wheels that get 50+ mpg.

    (wiping foam and spittle off chin........)

    and then........... ban all weapons that can shoot thru bullet proof vests, handguns, and any gun that is scary looking and all black. Those that are left will need to be registered or they will be confiscated. Michael Moore will be put in charge of producing and directing all PSA's. The new FCC chairman will be placing airwave restrictions on conservative broadcasters in order to give liberals equal air time. The new EPA chairman will start designating all publicly owned western lands as set aside wilderness, closing most roads down to just foot traffic.

    (pant... pant... pant...)

    All reference to God will be stripped from any public or government controlled entities, including money. RFID chips will be implanted in our children in order to protect them. Judicial activism/legislating from the bench will be encouraged and cultivated further (as long as it is left leaning). The Boy Scouts will be forced to incorporate gays or be disbanded. Abortion will become the preferred method of bith control.

    And because of our immoral excesses and souless compasses, the radical muslim will view us as a cancer to be cut out and deystroyed less our evil influence should contaminate his children.
    [/maniacal soapbox rant]

    .............. and I can just sit back and say I told ya so.
    Annoy a Liberal-
    Work hard, succeed, be happy!

    All bad precedents begin as justifiable measures. - Julius Caesar

    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"

    The next time some well meaning friend tells you that guns need to be controlled/banned/limited, ask him or her this question: "If the President refused to step down after his term was over, dismissed Congress, and declared martial law, would you be pleased with the notion of an American people who were disarmed?"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Thanks alot TTLS. Now I need a drink.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Originally posted by TTLS
    He's just a man behind the Kerry election curtain. Pay no attention to him.

    [maniacal soapbox rant]
    If y'all thought it was bad during the Clinton years, you ain't seen nuthin yet until Kerry's in charge.

    If he wins the WH, he will have the Senate and the House at his beck and call. Can you say higher taxes? If you don't think that higher taxes are not going to imapct your pocket book, pull you head out of the manure pile. Ever heard of passing on the cost?

    Think our credibility in the Middle East can't go any lower? try pulling our troops out and leaving them in the who area in a power vacuum. After the ashes settle from the civil wars and the Taliban and al Qadea's take over, they are going to posess nukes, bio and chem weapons. And then they will come after us. Imagine fleets of small boats with these WMD's attacking our shores in suicide missions.

    Of course Kerry could just tax the hell out of us and give it to these radical muslims in an effort to buy them off in the name of humanitarian aid and monetary appologies for us wrongfully attacking them. Oh and while they are at it, it would be okay for them to double the price of oil they are selling to us so the wasteful Americans who own SUV's and gas guzzlers can be punished for their sins and forced to sell their enviromentally unfriendly wastes of precious resources for tiny beer cans on wheels that get 50+ mpg.

    (wiping foam and spittle off chin........)

    and then........... ban all weapons that can shoot thru bullet proof vests, handguns, and any gun that is scary looking and all black. Those that are left will need to be registered or they will be confiscated. Michael Moore will be put in charge of producing and directing all PSA's. The new FCC chairman will be placing airwave restrictions on conservative broadcasters in order to give liberals equal air time. The new EPA chairman will start designating all publicly owned western lands as set aside wilderness, closing most roads down to just foot traffic.

    (pant... pant... pant...)

    All reference to God will be stripped from any public or government controlled entities, including money. RFID chips will be implanted in our children in order to protect them. Judicial activism/legislating from the bench will be encouraged and cultivated further (as long as it is left leaning). The Boy Scouts will be forced to incorporate gays or be disbanded. Abortion will become the preferred method of bith control.

    And because of our immoral excesses and souless compasses, the radical muslim will view us as a cancer to be cut out and deystroyed less our evil influence should contaminate his children.
    [/maniacal soapbox rant]

    .............. and I can just sit back and say I told ya so.
    That is a pretty good rant TTLS.

    But why would the Republican Congress be at Kerry's beck and call?

    Higher taxes??? Hey are you against paying for Gee Dubya's excesses now? Those monstrous increases in the Federal expenditures will have to be paid back sometime.

    And as far as Kerry taxing us to bribe the Muslims would that be kind of like Gee Dubya giving those soulless Iraqis the nickel a gallon gasoline at the taxpayer's expense?
    "And then they will come after us. Imagine fleets of small boats with these WMD's attacking our shores in suicide missions"

    Now that just strikes me as a funny concept for some reason


  8. #8
    Join Date
    No Name City
    Originally posted by Fulltimer
    That is a pretty good rant TTLS.

    But why would the Republican Congress be at Kerry's beck and call?

    Higher taxes??? Hey are you against paying for Gee Dubya's excesses now? Those monstrous increases in the Federal expenditures will have to be paid back sometime.

    And as far as Kerry taxing us to bribe the Muslims would that be kind of like Gee Dubya giving those soulless Iraqis the nickel a gallon gasoline at the taxpayer's expense?
    "And then they will come after us. Imagine fleets of small boats with these WMD's attacking our shores in suicide missions"

    Now that just strikes me as a funny concept for some reason

    Pour a 'liberal' dose of salt on that rant, Don.

    However, do not be surprised if kerry's coattails don't bring control of congress back to the Dems. Both Houses. Especially if the November vote is a 'anybody but Bush' vote.
    Annoy a Liberal-
    Work hard, succeed, be happy!

    All bad precedents begin as justifiable measures. - Julius Caesar

    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"

    The next time some well meaning friend tells you that guns need to be controlled/banned/limited, ask him or her this question: "If the President refused to step down after his term was over, dismissed Congress, and declared martial law, would you be pleased with the notion of an American people who were disarmed?"

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