I’m calling Bullroar. The real threat is the combined efforts of China and Russia to undermine our society from top to bottom. Then add another “Dr. Spock” generation where nobody is held accountable for their actions. Also, look no further to the totally unprepared and uneducated youths coming out of the Public School system. Scary!

Finally, as with the Saint Floyd riots beginning in May 2020 (presidential election year) look at the riots starting May 2024 (presidential election year which is just a coincidence I’m sure) the mostly Leftist have learned that they can riot without much consequence to achieve their Leftist aka Socialist goals.

Look who’s in our cities rioting, causing destruction, burning, killing Police Officers and other Law Enforcement all the while shouting Death to America! *hint..it isn’t White Supremists*

White Supremacy the real to Democracy? Laughable *ignoring we don’t live in a Democracy.

Btw…When is White History Month?